Mirus Harvest Software

3 Apr 2024

Install Instructions:

For Mirus Plugins and Scripts, see the Mirus Plugins and Conditional Actions

For more information about Mirus, see the Mirus Knowledge Base.

Mirus Software

Software Version Windows Installer Supporting Documents Release Notes

Mirus 4.6.4

Uninstall previous version before installing 4.6.4



  1. Mirus for H2/H3 GrainGage User's Guide
  2. Mirus Generic Harvest Plugin User's Guide
  3. Mirus Straw Weight User's Guide
  4. Mirus Cone Planter User's Guide

Mirus 4.6.4 Release Notes

Previous Release Notes



Moisture Curve Calculators & Sample Curve Files


(H2) EM2 Moisture Probe Curve Calculator

(H2) Sample Curve Files with Import Tool

Download the .zip file to the right that contains the curve import tool ("Curve Import Tool.hta") and sample curves, extract all files to the same folder. With Mirus closed, run the curve import tool ("Curve Import Tool.hta") and click on the "Import Curves" button. Restart Mirus and the sample curves will now show up in Setup>H2 GrainGage>Moisture Curves.




Reference Guide & Software Activation

Reference Guide
Activate Software