Firmware Refresh/Module Recovery using the HarvestMaster Service Utility

10 Feb 2025


The HarvestMaster Service Utility is used for multiple purposes. This technical note will describe how, on your HarvestMaster system, to use this utility when trying to recover a DSP or Actuator module which is exhibiting a fault, no communication, or red LED error indicator light.

With instruction from a HarvestMaster support representative, the Service Utility can also be used for upgrading or downgrading the firmware on all electronic modules on HarvestMaster GrainGages, Planter/Sprayer Controls, and other HM Generic Harvest Systems.    

Steps for Module Recovery

  1. Identify the type of module exhibiting the fault. You can find that using the silkscreen label on the face of the module.
  2. Ensure your GrainGage, Planter/Sprayer Controls, or Generic Harvest System device is powered ON and connected to your tablet through the Controller as normal.  
  3. With Mirus closed, open Windows File Explorer on your Tablet.
  4. Navigate to "C:\HarvestMaster\Mirus\Devices\H-SeriesGG\Tools" and open the HM.ServiceApp.exe. 
    1. Under “ID Name” you will see your HarvestMaster Modules connected.
    2. To the right of the Module, you will see its current firmware version listed.
    3. If you do not see any modules listed, verify that your Grain Gage is connected to the tablet via the Controller, and press the refresh button in the bottom right corner of the Service App. 

Note: Your faulty module may not show a current firmware version listed.

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5. To reload firmware, press the upload button on the right and follow the screen prompts to navigate to the firmware folder.


You will see the list of available firmware versions. You can choose between an ACT or DSP type module as shown here,

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 WARNING: Analog/DSP module firmware is different than Actuator module firmware. Be sure to select the type that matches your faulty module, ACT, or DSP.

  1. Press here to update an individual module. (highlighted yellow below)
  2. Press here to update all modules connected.

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NOTE:  If you are still unsure which firmware you need, contact HM Service for assistance.

6.  Once you select/open the firmware file, the update will start. Be sure not to interrupt the install process. You can start the download for multiple modules at the same time if desired.   

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7. When the firmware update is complete, the new firmware version number is displayed next to the ID Name of the module. If it does not display the new version, check to ensure you had selected the correct version and module, try pressing the refresh button, and/or reloading the firmware again.   

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If further assistance is needed, contact the HarvestMaster Field Service Engineers. For contact information, see Contact a HarvestMaster Field Service Engineer.