How to Copy Mirus Note Traits From One Tablet to Another

14 Jan 2025

Problem Description

We are taking Mirus Notes with multiiple Mesa field computers (tablets) and want to use the same trait list on all of our tablets. What is the best way to manage a common traits list for multiple tablets? 


The best way to manage note traits on multiple tablets is to choose one to create and/or manage the traits list (master tablet). Once you have the master traits list created/edited on the master tablet, copy the system database to each of the other tablets. The steps to do this are as follows: 

  1. Connect a USB Flash Drive to the USB port of the master tablet. 
  2. Copy the "System.sdf" file located at "C:/HarvestMaster/mirus/system/system.sdf" from the master tablet to the USB Flash Drive.  
  3. Move the flash drive to another tablet you want to copy the traits to. 
  4. Copy the "System.sdf" file to "C:/HarvestMaster/mirus/system/system.sdf" of the new tablet. If prompted, overwrite the existing file. 
  5. Repeat steps until all of the tablets are updated.  

NOTE: The system database only contains map/trait information. If each tablet has different maps on it, Mirus will update the system database with the existing map data from each tablet. In addition, any traits at the destination computer will be lost. So it is vital, if you want to keep any traits on the destination tablets, to first back up the destination "System.sdf" database before copying the new one to it.   

If further assistance is needed, contact the HarvestMaster Field Service Engineers. For contact information, see Contact a HarvestMaster Field Service Engineer.