Tablet Touchscreen is Slow or Unresponsive When Using Mirus
5 Dec 2024
Problem Description:
When typing on the virtual keyboard or on the screen with your fingers, the device seems like it stops working for a few sconds. However, it turns out that it does actually respond but 3-5 seconds later. Or maybe the touchscreen is having trouble sensing your finger so you have to press it multiple times before it responds. For example, you might start having to press certain buttons or icons multiple times before the device will respond. In other cases, maybe the touchscreen just stops working completely.
When this happens, you might assume it is a hardware problem and the device needs repaired. However, there are known issues with Microsoft Windows that might be causing this issue so it is wise to try a few basic steps before sending the device in for repair.
Steps to follow:
- Install the latest Windows Updates.
- Restart your computer - select POWER>>Restart.
- If your tablet has different touchscreen profiles, try some different profiles. For the Juniper Systems Mesa branded tablets, follow our "Best Practices for Capacitive Touchscreen" steps outlined on our website at:
- Try switching between tablet mode and desktop mode to see if it makes a difference.
- Try unlocking and locking the screen rotation to see if it makes a difference.
- If you have a MesaPro, be sure it has the OS and Firmware updates performed: and ensure the Intel HD Graphics Driver is updated:
- Follow the troubleshooting steps outlined on our website at: Even though this FAQ is written for the Mesa3, it will also work for the MesaPro.
- If you have a touchscreen protector installed, try removing it.
If the problem persists, contact the HarvestMaster Field Service Engineers. For contact information, see Contact a HarvestMaster Field Service Engineer.
- Phone Number: 435-753-1881
- Email:
- Address: 1132 W 1700 N, Logan, UT 84321