How to Use the HM800 Single HCGG Low Yield Plugin

9 Feb 2022

The Low Yield plugin for Mirus is used with an HM-800 Single High Capacity BDS GrainGage, when harvesting plots with a yield less than 8 lb. In the low yield scenario, the total plot weight is not enough to fill the BDS cup and cover the moisture sensor in the bottom of the bucket.

To use the Low Yield plugin:

Note: To purchase and activate the plugin, contact a HarvestMaster Sales Account Manager.

After the Low Yield plugin is installed and activated, connect to it in Mirus:

  1. Open Mirus and tap the Connect Plugin icon.

  2. Select Attachments.

  3. Select Low Yield Scripts. Tap the green check.

When the Low Yield plugin is connected to the GrainGage, the Low Yield plugin displays on the main menu with a green check.

Mirus main menu with low yield scripts plugin connected.

When the Low Yield plugin is connected to the GrainGage:

The script files affected by the plugin are and With the Low Yield plugin enabled, moisture and test weight can be measured on grain samples as low as 4 lb. To revert to the normal harvest sequence, disconnect the Low Yield plugin.