How to Perform an M2.0 Recalibration
21 Jul 2021
For more information, see the Mirus for H2 GrainGage User's Manual.
Prepare for Calibration [:25]
- Do a slope and motion calibration.
- Do both a plot weight and test weight load cell calibration.
- You’ll need a minimum of two samples with known moisture:
- One sample (closest to the industry moisture standard) with a known test weight.
- The more samples you have, the better.
- You’ll need at least a 3% range from lowest moisture to highest moisture.
- The more samples within about a 10% range the better, but 2 or 3 samples will suffice.
- Each sample should weigh at least 6 lb.
- Samples need to be at ambient temperature.
- Samples need to have natural moisture content. Do not re-wet samples.
Note: While using two samples is preferred, a recalibration can be done with only one sample if necessary. If you do only use one sample, we recommend using a sample that is at the industry moisture standard.
Perform a Recalibration
Perform a Test Weight Recalibration [1:08]
Connect to the H2 GrainGage.
Tap Setup > H2 GrainGage > Moisture Curves.
Select the curve you want to recalibrate and tap the pencil icon. [1:15]
Tap the gear icon to make sure the chamber insert count reflects the inserts that are currently in the chamber. [1:20]
Tap Recalibrate. [1:30]
Tap Test Weight Adjust.
Tap the green arrow.
To adjust test weight, only one sample is needed.
Enter the known test weight. [1:43]
Dump the sample through at least three times.
- Tap the green arrow to finish the recalibration.
The final calibration screen shows the new values that were calculated. [1:50]
Tap the green check to save and close.
Add M2.0 Model Calibration to Existing EM Curve [2:01]
Connect to the H2 GrainGage.
Tap Setup > H2 GrainGage > Moisture Curves.
Select the curve you want to recalibrate and tap the pencil icon.
Tap the gear icon. [2:25]
Scroll to the bottom of the settings and select your grain from the drop-down under H2 Moisture 2.0 Grain Model. [2:30]
Tap Recalibrate. [2:39]
Save the changes when the prompt appears.
Tap H2 Moisture 2.0 Model Adjust.
Tap the green arrow to continue.
Be prepared to catch your sample, so you can cycle it through at least 3-5 times. [3:00]
Enter the Known Moisture, dump your sample, and tap Click to run a sample.
Cycle several samples, the more the better. [3:20]
There must be at least a three percent range between the lowest moisture sample and the highest moisture sample, but a range closer to ten percent is preferred.
After you have cycled several samples, tap the green arrow to continue.
The final calibration screen shows the new values calculated for your moisture curve. If there is an offset, then the M2.0 model has been calibrated successfully. [3:50]
Tap the green check to close the Calibration screen.
Tap the green check to save and close the Moisture Curves screen.
Recalibrate Existing M2.0 Calibration [5:10]
Connect to the H2 GrainGage.
Tap Setup > H2 GrainGage > Moisture Curves.
Select the curve you want to recalibrate and tap the pencil icon.
Tap Recalibrate.
Tap H2 Moisture 2.0 Model Adjust. [5:26]
Cycle several samples to adjust the model. [5:36]
There must be at least a three percent range between the lowest moisture sample and the highest moisture sample, but a ten percent range is preferred.
After you have cycled several samples, tap the green arrow to continue.
The final calibration screen shows the new values calculated for your moisture curve. If there is an offset, then the recalibration was successful. [5:48]
Tap the green check close the Recalibration screen.
Tap the green check to save and close the Moisture Curves screen.
If you are still having issues, please contact one of our HarvestMaster Field Service Engineers
- Phone Number: 435-753-1881
- Email:
- Address: 1132 W 1700 N, Logan, UT 84321